2023 Jurisdictional Elections
2023 Elections
Maricopa County will be overseeing many local Ballot-By-Mail elections. The ones pertinent to LD3 voters are listed below. The county will automatically mail a ballot to every eligible voter on October 11. Please plan to complete and return your ballot as early as possible. ​
How to vote by mail
When voting by mail, the completed ballot must be placed in the return envelope and THE ENVELOPE MUST BE SIGNED. Unsigned ballots will not be counted. Please include your phone number on the envelope as well. This is not added to your vote record - it is only used by the signature verification team if they have questions for you. The ballot can then be mailed - postage free - to the county recorder’s office or dropped at any official drop box location. Ballots must be mailed no later than 7 days prior to election day.
How should I vote?
LD3 Democrats recommends a YES VOTE on all measures on your November 2023 ballot.
City of Phoenix
Bond Election
QUESTION 1: Enhance Community Safety through Fire, Police, Roadway and Pedestrian Infrastructure. Seeks voter authorization to issue and sell general obligation bonds in the principal amount of up to $214,000,000 to provide funding for fire, police, roadway and pedestrian infrastructure projects.
QUESTION 2: Improve Quality of Life in Phoenix Neighborhoods. Seeks voter authorization to issue and sell general obligation bonds in the principal amount of up to $108,615,000 to provide funding for library, parks and historic preservation projects.
QUESTION 3: Create an Efficient, Modern Phoenix to Live and Work. Seeks voter authorization to issue and sell general obligation bonds in the principal amount of up to $114,385,000 to provide funding for education, economic development, reducing waste, resource management, arts and culture projects.
QUESTION 4: Enhance, Preserve and Increase Supply of Affordable Housing and Senior Centers. Seeks voter authorization to issue and sell general obligation bonds in the principal amount of up to $63,000,000 to provide funding for affordable housing and senior center projects.​
Deer Valley Unified School District DVUSD
M&O Override Election; 2023 Bond Election
2023 M&O Override Election
This election will help preserve current fine arts and athletic programs such as art, general and instrumental music, and physical education, as well as maintain class sizes. The funds will also be used to attract and retain highly qualified teachers and support staff. The total cost of the override for homeowners is a continuation of $21.27 per month property tax on the average assessed home value. Your taxes will NOT increase as a result of passage of this override.
Funding for Student Safety Special Bond Election
The Deer Valley Unified School District’s Governing Board called for a 2023 Special Bond Election in the amount of $325,000,000 to fund safety, security, instructional resources, technology, building renewal, conservation, buses and student growth through the year 2029. The total cost is $15.12 per month on average assessed home value. This funding is being structured to NOT INCREASE the projected tax levy.
Fountain Hills Unified School District FHUSD
Bond Election; Site Sale, Lease, Exchange
2023 Special Bond Election
The purpose of the election is to permit the qualified electors of the District to vote on authorizing the District to issue and sell not to exceed $25,000,000 principal amount of school improvement bonds of the District.
Election - Site Sale, Lease, Exchange
The purpose of the election is to permit the qualified electors of the District to vote on authorizing the District to sell, lease or exchange all or part of the following described parcel of real property and use all or a portion of any such proceeds of any such sale, lease or exchange to purchase school sites and/or to construct, improve, equip and furnish school buildings and/or to purchase student transportation or other vehicles. The real property is described as follows: Site located at 17300 E. Calaveras Avenue, Fountain Hills, Arizona 85268, known as the Four Peaks Elementary school facility (approximately 3.72 acres).
Paradise Valley Unified School District PVUSD
Bond Election
2023 Bond Election
Voters will decide on the Paradise Valley Unified School District bond question in this Vote by Mail election whether to approve the sale of a $340 million bond over four years to maintain existing facilities, comply with safety regulations, upgrade technology infrastructure, purchase school furniture, equipment, technology, and school buses. The bond will include funds for a potential new school only to be used if it is needed due to growth. The school district has solicited input from the community on the proposed projects and will continue to engage with stakeholders throughout the planning and implementation process.
Scottsdale Unified School District SUSD
M&O Override Election
M&O Override Election
The Scottsdale Unified School District (SUSD) has called for an election on November 7, 2023 to ask voter approval to continue the Maintenance and Operation (M&O) Override that voters last authorized in November 2019. SUSD must renew the current M&O Override by November 2024, or the funding will begin being reduced by one third each fiscal year until the override expires on June 30, 2025.
› Maintaining current class-size ratios
› Competitive teacher compensation
› Free, full-day Kindergarten
› Professional Development
› Athletics and Extracurricular activities
› World Languages
› Fine Arts