Do you recognize the map below?
It’s LD3 by Census Block rather than by Voting Precinct.
Congressional Districts, Legislative Districts and Voting Precincts are all created based on Census data contained in Census Blocks. A Voting Precinct typically has 2-4 blocks, but the blocks can overlap precincts and other boundaries.
One of our data scientists recently mapped the census records with Voter Registration data. We can see the percentage of people in each census tract who are voters.
Saturation. Voter registration here ranges from 58% (turquoise) of the eligible population to nearly 100% (pink). Our older, stable neighborhoods represent the highest saturation. No surprise. Those have high home ownership, few apartments, and low turnover. Everybody is registered to vote. Carefree and most of Cave Creek are good examples. Bronco precinct and Pinnacle West too. The entire Shea corridor, even the high apartment areas are consistently high in Voter Registration.
We do have some census tracts with lower than 75% VR. One of the census tracts in Gavilan Peak has only 65% registered Voters. Another block which makes up most of Desert Hills is 58%. Most of Sleepy Ranch, Dove Valley and the east side of Tramonto are below 75%, along with the ungated part of Boulder Mountain. DC Ranch precinct and Lane are just a bit under 75%.
We should all know how to guide a neighbor through voter registration, but especially in lower participation areas. It is one of the two responsibilities of a Precinct Committeeperson called out in statute.
Looking for something to do this summer? Sign up for Deputy Registrar training.