Volunteer Opportunities
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LD3 Dems.
We rely 100% on donations from our community to be able to reach voters, hold events, and support candidates.
Ready to do more?
Sign up as a volunteer!
Volunteers are needed for a wide range of activities and you are always welcome to accept or decline opportunities based on your interests and availabilities.
Volunteer Opportunities include:
Canvassing (door-to-door)
Phone banking
Text banking
Event volunteer
Writing letters / postcards
Content contributor
Driving and delivery
Office duties
Data entry / Analysis
Circulating petitions
Voter Registration / Outreach
Event Planning
Host a neighbor-to-neighbor event
Content/blog contributor
Envelope addressing
Community building
Graphic design
Interested in getting started?
Complete the short form below to be added to the volunteer list to receive opportunities. You are welcome to accept or decline opportunities based on your interests and availability.