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Letter from the Chair - March 13, 2022

Updated: Mar 20, 2022

Greetings everyone. Welcome to our brand new hot-off-the-presses LD3! This, our first LD3 newsletter, launches us squarely into the 2022 campaign season.

During our newsletter hiatus, we’ve been hard at work creating and recreating all of the fundamental elements that go into running a Legislative District. Some of these are pesky details. Others are crucial to get right because we’re a legal entity. All of this has been a huge distraction from the work that we would normally be doing but most of it should be behind us by the end of this month.


About This Newsletter

This newsletter will have a different look and feel to our regular subscribers. We’re blending the skills and experience of people from three different legislative districts (each of which had their own way of doing things) into something that will be uniquely us - LD3.

We’ll be experimenting with what works for awhile and soon we’ll settle into a routine that will benefit all of us. Please be patient and stay tuned.


First LD3 Monthly Meeting

During our first meeting of the LD3 Executive Board, we voted to hold our LD-wide monthly meetings on the third Thursday of the month at 6 pm. Our first meeting will be held on Thursday, March 17th at 6 pm, via Zoom. Register here.

Please join us. You’ll get to meet our new board members and learn about how we expect to get out the vote in this election cycle. And, with any luck, we may have a surprise or two.


Our First Event

Are you a PC in the former LD1? Check your email for a “Save the Date” message about the Anthem PC Meet and Greet on 3/24/22. An RSVP form will go out soon.


Let’s Show Off Our Work!

LD3 became a legal entity on 2/22/22 - just under 3 weeks ago - and we have some things to show for our time since then. Check out our new website:

We also have our social media pages up and running. You’ll find us here:

Our new logo was created by Crystal Bazarnic, our Vice Chair for Social Media. The banner logo above is the horizontal form. Crystal also created a square version for social media posts. Thank her when you have a chance, won’t you?

Less evident, but crucial for our communications, is the work done by Emily Wilson, Vice Chair for Data Analysis. Emily wrangled the data spread across three districts to distill them into one - for our MailChimp account, Act Blue donations, as well as PC and volunteer lists. Emily is also a map maker extraordinaire. She’s put these skills to good use. She’s developed regional maps that will help us get out the vote this year. Join us for our first monthly meeting to learn more.


Two New Board Members

Since we sent out our welcome email, we have added two new board members: Susan Wilson will be the Vice Chair for Field Operations and Andrew Scheck is the Vice Chair for School Board Outreach. In the coming weeks, both will be establishing their teams to enable them to reach across the whole of LD3. No small task, that. Meet them on March 17th at our first LD3 Monthly Meeting! Register here.


Repetition, Repetition, Repetition

One of the practices I developed in writing the LD23 newsletter is - you guessed it - repetition. The LD23 newsletter always featured links, often repeated more than once, to enable subscribers easy access without scrolling up and down to find them.

A couple of other things to help with navigation… For those of you who read by skimming, I use bold face type so that, if you just glide over the bold text, you’ll get the gist of the newsletter’s content and linger where it suits you.

Finally, I have a strong bias toward a lot of white space to give the newsletter a clean, sleek look and another bias toward consistent banners/headers to draw your week-to-week attention toward those sections that are most important to you.


That’s it for now and our first newsletter. Don’t forget to register for Thursday's first LD3 Monthly Meeting! Register here. (sorry, I couldn’t resist…)

Until next week, stay healthy and stay strong.

Victoria Kauzlarich

Chair, LD3

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