That was an easy one! All of the above.
156 bills have been sent to the governor. She has signed 53 and vetoed 48, 55 are awaiting action. The April 14th edition of the Phoenix New Times has a breakdown of vetoed bills. link
What a week!
· A small victory to cheer! On Tuesday April 11th HB2717 sponsored by Melody Hernandez-D took one step closer to being passed. The bill broadens the traumatic event counseling programs already offered to public safety employees, peace officers and firefighters to include 911 dispatchers. Dispatchers would be able to receive counseling after experiencing a traumatic event while in the course of duty. The bill previously passed the House and last week passed the Senate with a small change. Because of the change the House must agree to it before it can be sent to the governor Both chambers passed the bill with no opposition so hopefully it will pass again when it is brought to the House for a final vote.
· Yay! Another bill sponsored by a democrat was signed by the governor on April 12th. HB2564 allows hospitals or health professionals working in a hospital, not within 50 miles of a 24- hour pharmacy to dispense a 12-hour supply of a schedule II-controlled substance that is an opioid to a discharged patient with an acute illness or injury after regular pharmacy hours.
· Liz Harris-R was expelled from the Arizona House of Representatives on Wednesday, April 12th. The Ethics Committee submitted a report claiming Rep. Harris violated House Rules when she arranged for a presentation for a joint elections committees presentation. The presentation offered unsupported accusations and conspiracy theory. The Committee conclusion asked for the entire House to decide on a consequence for her actions. Rep. Joseph Chaplik is chair of the House Ethics Committee.
Democrats had boycotted the joint session as they anticipated the 5 hour presentation would be worthless.
· On Thursday, after the expulsion, a Floor session was held where a few bipartisan bills were voted. Since the GOP is the majority party by only one member they have recessed until April 25th at which time they hope to have a replacement for Harris. They need that 31st vote to pass any partisan bill. Many bills were on Thursday’s schedule but not voted since they were republican bills with no Dem support. The Speaker can hold a bill after it is scheduled for a vote and put it on a future schedule. Since the senate must comply with a house recess of more than 3 days, both chambers will be on “spring break” until April 25, 2023.
· On Thursday April 13th the senate passed the continuation of the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind, HB2456. The continuation bills have historically been for 8 years and the original bill passed by the House was for 8 years. The bill came under attack in the senate by Senators Wadsack and Hoffman. They amended the bill in committee to be a 2 year continuation. The bill was again amended to continue the school for 4 years. Dems in the senate hope to convince the House to further amend the bill to the original 8 years. We’ll see what happens when they return from “spring break”.
· On Thursday April 13th Senator Rachel Teran-D resigned, effective immediately. She has declared to run for the U.S. Congress seat being vacated by Ruben Gallego as he runs for the U.S. Senate. A Democrat will be appointed to finish her state senate term.
· On Thursday GO, the Gorilla mascot for the Arizona Suns was in the House Chamber. He took the Speaker’s chair but unfortunately he did not preside over any legislative business. He might have accomplished what our legislators cannot seem to do.

Bill status given below are bills making it threw both chambers and sent to the governor by LD3’s legislators.
Senator Kavanagh
Three bills have been signed.
· SB1036 addresses a felon’s ability to receive a certificate of second chance one time.
· SB1049 includes the Betsy Ross flag on the list of flags HOAs and COAs may not
· SB1270 addresses public meetings and capacity seating.
Sixteen bills have been vetoed.
· 13 budget bills under his name were vetoed.
· SB1005 encouraged litigation under the guise of parental rights.
· SB1009 increased fines for defacing monuments.
· SB1024 prohibited sleeping on sidewalks or right of ways to address the homeless.
Still on the governor’s desk.
· SB1021 directs the Attorney General to defend all laws passed by the legislature in Court. Even if unconstitutional.
Some of Sen. Kavanagh’s more contentious bills were held up last week and did not receive a floor vote in the House. His bills on elections, bathrooms and drag shows were all on the House Third Read calendar but were not voted after the House expelled Liz Harris, the 31st vote.
Rep. Kolodin
· HB2322 instructed what was to be used in the Elections procedures Manual.
Still on the governor’s desk
· HB2319 directs the courts to consider transparency above all else when deciding an elections dispute.
Rep. Chaplik
His two bills are still trying to get passed by the senate.
HB2555 requires all businesses to take cash and HCR2039 redefines governor’s powers to extend a state of emergency.
Rep. Chaplik is chair of the Ethics Committee who recommended the consequences of Rep. Harris’ behavior be decided by the entire House body. Expulsion was recommended. He voted NO on the chamber vote, as did Rep. Kolodin.