Data Snacks are bite-sized bit of information to help you understand our political environment. What better place to start than with MAPS!
Every voter lives in several different districts, each with elected officials. Administratively, political parties organize around Legislative Districts (LDs), which are the boundaries for constituents of the State Legislature.
There are separate boundaries for our nine Federal Congressional Districts (CDs) in Arizona, Counties, Cities and Towns, School Districts…. It’s a long list.
An individual voting precinct cannot straddle CDs or LDs, but it can cross school districts. Many LDs cross multiple county lines.
If you don’t live in a city or town, be sure to check the Special Tax Districts. Cities and Counties use Boards and Commissions to fill leadership positions of public services. Unincorporated areas must create Special Tax Districts and fill their boards through separate elections.
Here is a PDF of the districts in LD3. Share it!
