There is a great deal of interest among local Democrats to engage younger voters. They have a much higher propensity to vote for Dems than we see in older voters, but they don’t always turnout to vote.
Typically, analyses of young voters concentrate on turnout by registered Democrats only. Because we are LD3, we always include Independents.
When we look at Dems plus Dem Leaning (D+DLO) voters aged 30 and under something interesting shows up. LD3 does not have the lowest number of young voters. Unsurprisingly, that distinction belongs to LD28 with age restricted communities like Sun City and Sun City West (which aren’t cities BTW).
Our younger Dem plus Dem Leaning (D+DLO) voters VOTE. Our LD3 D+DLO young turnout was 16% better the county average and 20% better for young Dem Leaning Independents (DLO)
Here are the turnout numbers for young voters by Legislative District. (M = Maricopa only portion of multi county district)
For LD3, Grayhawk precinct comes in at whopping 74% turnout for this population. Dove Valley was the least engaged, at 45%, which is still better than most LDs.