On March 28th Rep. Alexander Kolodin-LD3, was the driving force in sending a letter to the majority leadership in both Arizona chambers. He was calling on leadership to suspend the rules in order to bring a border security resolution for a vote. The resolution, which would go to the voters, would be fashioned after the Texas bill which is currently being challenged. The governor has already vetoed a bill attempting to do what Rep. Kolodin is proposing. A second bill is making its way through the senate and could land on her desk. The governor can veto a bill not a resolution or ballot referral.
After Rep. Kolodin called on leadership to facilitate putting forward a resolution he tweeted he had been informed the legislature is to have a “border day” to address border security ballot referrals. We’ll keep you posted.
See his letter here.
This session has already seen two ballot referrals sent to the Secretary of State for inclusion on the 2024 ballot. One refers to a tax refund and the second establishes a life sentence for anyone convicted of a class 2 felony on child sex trafficking.